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view post Posted on 3/8/2012, 17:28

Ecco un botta e risposta tra James e i suoi fans su Twitter :)

which is your motto?
live for today

Craziest thing someone has done when the recognize you?
fainted. That was a memorable one.

coca or fanta?
very tough one!! Fanta

I called my cat "Phelpsy" do you like this name ?
nice. My nickname at school

worst experience on a plane?:)
one almost crashed when coming into land in Chicago one. That was pretty scary

what are your hobbies?

Having fun

Fav chocolate bar?

Wisper gold

What's your favorite song ?

Better day by springsteen

favourite attraction in dublin?
the people, always had a great time there

london or ny?


Have You ever been to Canada?

Yes twice

Do you like Hunger Games saga?


favorite color?
royal blue, after my foot ball team

whose got the better record in golf?? You or your brother??

What's one thing on your bucket list?

do a long walk/hike

What's your fave genre of film?

Pink Floyd or Queen?
can't choose between them. Both amazing

Do you like blink 182?
saw them last week in concert

Do you play any musical instruments?

could you recommend me some interesting place in London? ;)
The Shard looks pretty cool

do you have any pets?
One dog

if you could have any exotic animal what would it be


What's your favourite ice-cream flavour?

raspberry ripple

Favourite item of clothing you own? :)
converse limited edition 2004.

Who's you're fav band to see live and who disbanded/deceased would you most like to see if you had the power

Springsteen and queen

out of the nosebleed nougats, fainting fancies, puking pastilles or fever fudge which one would you eat? (:

fainting fancies

Do you miss being a ginger?
not really to be honest.

would you ever dye your hair ginger again for a role?

yes if needed to

Scusate se non l'ho tradotto dall'inglese all'italiano. Comunque per qualunque traduzione chiedetemi pure ;)
0 replies since 3/8/2012, 17:28   62 views